This collaboration between Gucci and The North Face was announced in September, 2020. And in December 2020 collection was launched. Inspired by ideas of exploration and self-discovery, Gucci taps into TNF designs from the ’70s, marrying the luxury label’s recognizable designs with the technical structure of The North Face’s garments. Featuring bold outerwear such as goose-down feather padded coats and bomber jackets, arriving in floral iterations as well as monogram print, to logo T-shirts, sweatshirts and more, the range is perfect for those looking to invest in a fun capsule.
In addition to the co-branded apparel, a pair of hiking boots can be seen in the campaign, available in brown, black and cream colorways. Sporting a Goodyear-weted sole and thick lacing, the classic boots are finished off with the TNF x Gucci logo at the lateral. Luggage is also featured in the collection, crafted with the recyclable ECONYL material, in eight new graphics. Lastly, Gucci’s signature Jackie bag also makes a cameo throughout the campaign.
And few photos from Milan boutique.
And some images from campaign.