People of design. Design community. - Page 62


graphic design

Branding for Echo

Echo is the newest of the french smartphone makers. The brand belongs to Modelabs, a historic distributor in the phone

Bling.Bling Injection

Интересный проект Bling.Bling Injection. Автор, французский дизайнер Benjamin Benhaim. Дизайн: Benjamin Benhaim

Margo eco textile packaging

Alexandra Tarnavskaya made packaging for Margo eco textile. The main objective was to create a specific form for non-structural and

Collection Montblanc Urban Spirit

На прошлой неделе в Париже была представлена новая коллекция изделий из кожи Montblanc Urban Spirit, адресованная молодым и активным жителям


Jonathan Ball (pokedstudio) painted great characters. His last not least illustration - Sponge Bob Square Pants. Jonathan Ball Worked with
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